Change. It can happen in the blink of an eye. It can happen over time. But it always happens. Things never stay the same and that is life. Friendships fade and relationships fail. Telephone booths become smartphones. We grow with people or we outgrow them. Change can leave scars that seem to never fade, but change can also blossom enchanting flowers.
It's weird how life happens without us even knowing. You're suddenly looking back at the past year and thinking how different everything was this time last year. Time gets away from us and we forget to slow things down once in a while and live in the moment. Remember to cherish things and never take simple small things for granted.
Sitting with your grandma after supper, holding your little brother's hand on a dusk walk, kissing that one boy who makes your stomach flutter. Such small things that one day become something we wish we could still do. Time likes to move without us and never stops for you to catch up. And it seems like the older we get, the faster time seems to go. Everything begins to happen so quickly, in the blink of an eye, it never slows down.
Suddenly you're wishing you could just go back for a split moment. If you could just hear that song in that one car ride with all your best friends one last time. If you could just be on that sofa snuggled up to your little sister before everything got so heavy. If you could just hear your grandpa's cheery voice saying your name one last time. If you could just...
Growing up. Changing. Becoming someone else different than who you were.
It's scary. It's different. It's essential. We all want to fight time and slow it down, rewind it, or sometimes fast forward. But life doesn't work that way.
Life is weird that way, the world around you will change if you're ready or not. All of a sudden your entire environment is different and your feelings are altered by time.
As I said, it's terrifying, but we can't stop change no matter what. We don't always see it, but change ends up usually being good.
Sure, that heartbreak can heart a good while and make your world feel like it's not spinning, but later on when the boy with curly hair takes you home and kisses you sweetly, it makes you feel like there is better out there.
Time. You have to give it time. Love yourself while you're changing and know this is only a brief part of your journey and you're on the way to becoming the best person you can be. Change is essential to our growth as humans. We need the challenge of things changing to grow into who we are supposed to be.
Coming from someone who never lets anything go without a good tug of war, change needs to be embraced sometimes. You need to be positive about it and trust it. Trust that the universe knows what it's doing. I trust that God has his hand in my life and his will WILL be done no matter what.
There is a purpose for all this mess. For all your heartbreak. For who you were when you woke up every day smelling like a different bottle of liquor. For who you were when working two jobs to afford one class at a community college. For who you are NOW.
I don't know everything, far from it. I don't claim to be all-knowing, but I do learn things about life and how I perceive this journey we're all on together.
I learn something new about myself probably every five minutes.
That's okay.
You don't have to have it all figured out.
I'm just saying to embrace the change and trust that it's happening for a reason.
The God I know will never forsake me or leave me. He will never fail me, for his love is unfailing. I have done some pretty questionable things during my life. Yet he still loves me all the same.
SO! Readers I want you to embrace it! Change is always lurking around that corner you're running from.
Don't run from it, but learn to run with it.
I'm going to be open to all that life has to offer me and remember it's okay to say yes and it's also good to say no sometimes.
Remember, that like in writing, some things are better left to be saved as a draft, but never published. Keep that draft as a reminder of how you wrote once, but the book is how far you have come.
I will still stand for those who don't have the courage to stand for themselves. Stand for what you believe in and don't apologize for who you are. Stand strong my lovely. I know you can do it. Screw that other voice!
As always, love others. Love yourself like you want to be loved. Be happy and slow down every once in a while. Take it all in. Life is short.
You've only got one my loves.
Make it count.
Unapologetically Rachael